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INL Exceptional Innovation Contribution Award
Awarded by the INL Director of Technology Deployment for creatin valuable INL intellectual property, entitled ‘Common Information Model Profile for Dynamic Line Rating’.
Awarded by UIUC power engineering faculty to highly qualified and well-motivated undergraduate and graduate students who have chosen to pursue a field of study in electric power engineering.
Awarded by the IEEE Power & Energy Society to students who have chosen an academic path leading to an electric power and energy engineering career. Recipients were chosen based on their academic achievements, contributions to meeting community needs, and leadership in advancing student engagement within PES.
Awarded by UIUC Electrical and Computer Engineering Department to a first year graduate student based on undergraduate academic achievement as well as leadership in activities or research as an undergraduate.
Idaho National Laboratory Graduate Fellowship
Awarded to 12 students in 2019; nominated and awarded for demonstrated interest in a cybersecurity field and commitment to pursue graduate research in the area.
Awarded “For tireless efforts to bridge the gap between students and professionals by demonstrating the value of continued membership within IEEE"
Awarded to select UIUC graduate students in Electrical and Computer Engineering
National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention
Selected as a finalist for the competitive NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program talents.
Awarded to top PES scholar in each of the seven regions in the U.S. and Canada, selection made based on academic preparation, extracurricular activities and leadership, interest in power and energy engineering, and technical quality of application
Awarded to top seven graduating seniors in the College of Engineering based on academic performance, leadership, community involvement, and dedication to the Aggie core values; nominated by department and endorsed by professors for eligibility, then selected by an interview process.
Awarded to undergraduate students across the country for strong academic performance, distinctive involvement in extracurriculars, and dedication to the power and energy field.
Awarded to 14 female students across the US for demonstrated interest in cybersecurity careers, attended FS-ISAC Fall Summit to learn more about industry positions and current research.
Fred M. Lege III Scholar
Awarded by the Texas A&M Electrical and Computer Engineering Department for academic excellence, sponsored by the department head, Dr. Begovic.
IEEE HKN Inductee (Gamma Mu Chapte
Inducted into Gamma Mu chapter in May 2017, served on officer leadership team in 2017-2018; joined Alpha chapter in 2019.
ERCOT EDP Reach Scholar
Awarded by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Engineering Development Program for performance and interest in the electric power industry.
Candidates selected by the Craig and Galen Brown Foundation from National Merit Scholar applicants, eligible candidates undergo screening and interview process to be hand-selected.
Texas A&M President's Endowed Sch
Awarded based on academic performance in high school and involvement in extracurriculars.
National Merit Scholar Finalist
Awarded based on performance on PSAT, academic performance in high school, and writing samples, received scholarship from Lockheed Martin Corporation.